IADR Abstract Archives

Adjunctive Role of Acacia arabica Gel in Periodontal Maintenance

Objectives: Periodontal disease is global burden with profound effects on systemic health. Despite great developments in treatment and preventive strategies, disease still remains concern in developing and underdeveloped countries. Herbal medications have proven efficacy for various oral health concerns. However, effect of phytopharmaceutical Acacia arabica gel on periodontal parameters remains unexplored. Hypothesis for this pilot work was to assess adjunctive effect of Acacia arabica gum in patients with chronic periodontitis.

Methods: Single centre, randomised, double blind, controlled trial on mild to moderate chronic periodontitis patients; Group I (SRP + Acacia arabica, n = 40) and Group II (SRP + placebo, n = 40); were analysed for clinical improvements in periodontal pocket depth (PPD) and clinical attachment levels (CAL) at baseline, 15 and 90 days on application of gels. Gingival index and plaque index were assessed as secondary parameters.

Results: Statistical analysis consisted of testing time bound intragroup and intergroup differences between active and placebo group.
Qualitative data was assessed using chi square test. Intragroup comparison for continuous variables was done using student‘t’ test. Intergroup comparison for research question; whether post-test means, adjusted for pre-test scores, differ between two groups; was done using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA).
Statistically significant PPD reduction (p < 0.05) and CAL gain (p < 0.05) was observed with use of Acacia arabica gel. Reduction in sites with moderate PPD was observed more among Group I than Group II and difference was statistically significant (p=0.001).Secondary outcome variables; Plaque Index and Gingival Index showed better resolution with Acacia arabica gel.

Conclusions: Acacia arabica leads to better clinical outcomes in patients with mild to moderate chronic periodontitis with effective antiplaque and anti-gingivitis action. It may be recommended adjunct to SRP for maintenance in patients with mild to moderate chronic periodontitis.

IADR World Congress on Preventive Dentistry
2017 IADR World Congress on Preventive Dentistry (New Delhi, India)
New Delhi, India
Role of Oral Health Research in achieving Sustainable Development Goals
  • Singhal, Rameshwari  ( King George's Medical University , Lucknow , India )
  • Khanna, Richa  ( Pedodontics, King George's Medical University , Lucknow , India )
  • Rastogi, Pavitra  ( King George's Medical University , Lucknow , India )
  • The material was supplied by Charak pharmaceuticals. The company was not involved in protocol designing or study content. The company was also not involved in data collection, data analysis or data interpretation. The study is registered by R. Singhal in
    The authors declare that they do not have a conflict of interest. This study was partially supported by Charak Pharmaceuticals (India). The company was responsible for supplying coded, similarly packaged placebo and Acacia arabica gel (GUMTONE). The contr
    Poster Session
    Role of Oral Health Research in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals II
    Thursday, 10/05/2017 , 11:15AM - 12:30PM