IADR Abstract Archives

Action of Fluoride on Yeast Growth

Objectives: The aim of this study was to define the minimum inhibitory concentration of fluorine for each type of yeast.
Methods: 0.4g of powdered fluorine was dissolved in 10mL of distilled water and mixed by vortex, then a series of cascade dilutions of half of the solution was performed. Suspensions of 0.5 Mcf of the following reference strains (Candida albicans, Candida glabrata, Candida tropicalis, Candida Krusei, Candida parapsilosis) were prepared from a 24h culture at 37°C of the prepared yeast suspensions in physiological water, the initial density d0 was measured using the densimeter (DensimatR)
Results: Yeasts grown without fluoride are used as a negative control and those grown in the presence of fluoride are used as a positive control. After the 24h incubation period, the density difference is calculated to determine the growth of Candida. The experiment was repeated for different fluoride concentrations. The minimum inhibitory concentration is the last concentration when the D24h-D0 difference is zero. It is evaluated for each type of yeast. Candida glabrata has the highest concentration of 0.2g/ml and for other yeasts was 0.1g/ml
Conclusions: Our results prove that the presence of floride decrease the growth of yeasts with diffrent concentration for each one.

2021 Tunisian Section Meeting (Monastir, Tunisia)
Monastir, Tunisia

  • Ben Yaala, Mohamed  ( faculty of dental medicine , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • none
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at the 2021 Tunisian Section Meeting