IADR Abstract Archives

Plasmablastic lymphoma initially recognized as begnin gingival mass

Objectives: Plasmablastic lymphoma is a rare and aggressive subtype of diffuse large B cell lymphoma, representing <3% of all non-Hodgkin lymphoma, usually associated with human immunodeficiency virus infection or Epstein barr virus infection. It displays a significant affinity for extra-nodal presentation in the oral cavity.
Our aim is to present a case of plasmobastic lymphoma through which we will discuss the anatomo-clinical features of this entity.
Methods: We describe the case of a 80-year-old woman without significant antecedents and more specifically without any history of immunodeficiency, presented to dental medicine departments in Monastir with a gingival polypoid lesion.
Results: At first, the lesion was taking as an inflammatory epulis. it was excised. On macroscopic examination we had a 2x1.5 cm whitish mass. On microscopy, gingival mucosa was massively infiltrated by a lymphoid cells that resembling focally to plasmocytes. These cells expressed CD138, on immunohistochemistry, CD20 and CD3 were negative. The diagnosis of a plasmoblastic proliferation having first removed myeloma was proposed. myeloma was eliminated after the necessary explorations, hence the diagnosis of plasmablastic lymphoma was retained.
Conclusions: Plasmablastic lymphoma is a very uncommon disease that histological features alone may serve as guidelines but are insufficient for diagnostic and must be discussed in the mirror of an immunohistochemical study. This tumor is characterized by its rapid progression and unfavorable prognosis. For that, this entity must be known by health practitioners.
Tunisian Annual Meeting
2018 Tunisian Annual Meeting (Monastir, Tunisia)
Monastir, Tunisia

Oral Medicine & Pathology
  • Chiba, Dorra  ( fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Njima, Manel  ( fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Ben Abdeljelil, Nouha  ( fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia ;  Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Ben Khalifa, Sarah  ( Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital , Monastir , Tunisia ;  fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Njim, Leila  ( fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia ;  Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Moussa, Adnene  ( fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia ;  Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Zakhama, Abdelfatteh  ( fattouma bourguiba hospital , Monastir , Tunisia ;  Fattouma Bourguiba Hospital , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • NONE
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