IADR Abstract Archives

Influence of the medium pH on the water behavior of microhybrid composite resins

Objectives: To explore the water behavior of four composite resins in different pH solutions.
Methods: An in vitro study was carried out to determine the solubility and absorption after one week of 4 composite resins: FiltekTM Z350 XT, FiltekTM Bulk Fill, Amelogen® Plus and T Com Flow after immersion in different solutions: artificial saliva, citric acid and coca cola . Thirty disks of each resin (6 mm / 1 mm) were prepared and immersed in the various solutions. After desiccation and weighing of the disks, the solubility and absorption were calculated from the mass and volume of each disk. The results were treated with the one-factor ANOVA and the Tukey HSD test.
Results: The absorption values were convenient with ISO standards (<40μg / mm3 ) .
In artificial saliva and in coca cola, solubility was convenient with standards for Amelogen (solubility <7.5μg /mm3) .In citric acid, Amelogen Plus® absorption values were significantly different with Bulk-fill (p=.023) and T Com Flow (p=.017). In coca cola, Bulk-fill absorption showed significant variations only with T Com Flow (p=.026).
Conclusions: Absorption and solubility are mainly influenced by the composition of the materials tested. The acidity of the medium affects little the water behavior of the resins.
Tunisian Section Meeting
2017 Tunisian Section Meeting (Monastir, Tunisia)
Monastir, Tunisia

Dental Materials 2:Polymer-based Materials
  • Jaafoura, Sabra  ( Faculty of dental medicine, University of Monastir , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Kikly, Amira  ( Faculty of dental medicine, University of Monastir , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Sahtout, Souad  ( Faculty of dental medicine, University of Monastir , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Trabelsi, Mounir  ( Faculty of dental medicine, University of Monastir , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • Kammoun, Dorra  ( Faculty of dental medicine, University of Monastir , Monastir , Tunisia )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Oral Communication