IADR Abstract Archives

Evaluation of complaints, design errors in single maxillary complete prostheses

Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the complaints of patients wearing single maxillary complete prostheses, to evaluate their satisfaction degree and to identify the main design errors related to these complaints.

Methods: One hundred patients wearing single maxillary complete dentures were included. A questionnaire was prepared to investigate patients’ complaints. An evaluation of design errors and the qualities of the prostheses was carried out.

Results: Loss of retention, masticatory difficulties were the most common complaints for the patients. Speech problems, algic complaints and esthetic disgrace are present but to a lesser degree. The examination of the complete prostheses by a professional in removable prosthodontics has shown prosthetic instability, lack of retention and inadaptation of the prosthetic bases in 49%, 42 % and 38% of the cases respectively. Occlusal errors related to the balanced occlusion, occlusal plane orientation, occlusal vertical dimension and occlusion recording were found successively in 41 %, 37 %, 27%, and 24% of examined prostheses.

Conclusions: Based on the study results, an analysis of the clinical situation was required. All disturbances diagnosed should be corrected in order to design the complete prosthesis in an ideal context.

Tunisian Section Meeting
2017 Tunisian Section Meeting (Monastir, Tunisia)
Monastir, Tunisia

Prosthodontics Research
  • Bekri, Sana  ( Faculty of dental medecine, Monastir , Tunisia , Hammam Chat , Tunisia )
  • Trifi, Wijdene  ( Faculty of dental medecine, Monastir , Tunisia , Hammam Chat , Tunisia )
  • Triki, Hiba  ( Faculty of dental medecine, Monastir , Tunisia , Hammam Chat , Tunisia )
  • Trabelsi, Mounir  ( Faculty of dental medecine, Monastir , Tunisia , Hammam Chat , Tunisia )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Poster Communication