IADR Abstract Archives

Lactobacillus-reuteri attenuates Enterococcus-faecalis virulence genes in fixed orthodontic patients

Objectives: Enterococcus faecalis, a pathogen in dental plaque biofilm associated with antimicrobial-resistance may increase in patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of consuming lozenges containing the probiotic Lactobacillus reuteri on the expression levels of E. faecalis virulence genes (gelE, atlA) in dental plaque biofilms of patients wearing fixed orthodontic appliances.
Methods: Dental plaque samples were obtained from 20 subjects before and after consuming L.reuteri probiotic lozenges (Biogaia, Stockholm, Sweden) dose of 2x108 CFU/ml, once a day for two weeks. Subsequently, RNA was extracted cDNA was synthesized and subjected to RTqPCR using specific primers for gelE and atlA genes of E. faecalis. Housekeeping gene rpoA was used as the reference. Statistical analysis was performed using Shapiro-Wilk normality test (p>0.05), and paired t-test with p<0.05 as level of significance.
Results: Expression of gelE and atlA genes were found to be decreased after the subjects consumed the probiotic L. reuteri for two weeks. However, there was no statistically significant difference (p<0.05)
Conclusions: Consumption of probiotic L. reuteri may help reduce the E. faecalis virulence genes in dental plaque biofilm of patients using fixed orthodontic appliances. However, further research is needed to optimize the probiotic intervention protocol to maximum the beneficial effect.

2023 South East Asian Division Meeting (Singapore)
  • Wiriawan, Deandra  ( Faculty of Dentistry Trisakti University , Jakarta , Indonesia )
  • Khalisha, Thalianabilla  ( Faculty of Dentistry Trisakti University , Jakarta , Indonesia )
  • Sarifah, Siti  ( Faculty of Dentistry Trisakti University , Jakarta , Indonesia )
  • Widyarman, Armelia  ( Faculty of Dentistry Trisakti University , Jakarta , Indonesia )
  • Seneviratne, Jayampath  ( The University of Queensland , Brisbane , Queensland , Australia )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Poster Session-3: Oral Health Research - 3
    Friday, 11/24/2023 , 09:00AM - 10:30AM