IADR Abstract Archives

Patient Satisfaction for Complete Dentures Delivered by Undergraduate Dental Students

Objectives: To assess the satisfaction levels of patients who received complete dentures delivered by fourth and fifth-year dental students at the University of Otago’s Faculty of Dentistry between the years 2010-2018
Methods: Participants’ attitude toward dentures was measured via a 16-item questionnaire. The questionnaire was developed through a validated Patient’s Denture Assessment (PDA) questionnaire comprising of items that assessed factors related to dentures and was quantified on a four-point scale. A total of 60 edentulous patients wearing maxillary and mandibular dentures were recruited using a list of patients whose treatment were carried out and completed in the undergraduate clinic from 2010-2018. The identified patients were then contacted, using their home or cell phone, to see if they are willing to participate in the survey. All patients who agreed to take part and met the inclusion criteria were sent an explanatory letter, an informed consent form, and a self-administered questionnaire in a return envelope to the University of Otago Faculty of Dentistry.
Results: 97% experienced “no pain” or “occasional pain”, with 91% finding it “very easy” or “easy” to eat and swallow. 88% enjoyed their meals “well” or “very well”, and 85% of the participants felt like their jaw was “not worn“ or “slightly worn“ regardless of function, speech and aesthetics, 97% of respondents felt their denture was important to them.
Conclusions: Overall, the participants expressed satisfaction over the sub-groups of function, speech/aesthetics, upper denture, lower denture, and considered the denture to be of high importance. Thus, indicating that the quality of treatment carried out by the undergraduate students at the faculty was highly satisfactory.

2020 South East Asia Division Meeting (Virtual)

Education Research
  • Barazanchi, Abdullah  ( University of Otago , Dunedin , New Zealand )
  • Park, Juea  ( University of Otago , Dunedin , New Zealand )
  • Pande, Neeti  ( University of Otago , Dunedin , New Zealand )
  • None
    Poster Session
    Poster 1
    Thursday, 11/26/2020 , 02:30PM - 03:00PM