IADR Abstract Archives

Effect of Aqueos Extract Roselle 60% on Total Colonial of Gram-Positive and Negative Bacteria in Patient Using Acrylic-Resin Crown

Objectives: the use of an acrylic-resin crown is helpful for the wearer but if the acrylic crown is not cleansed, it will lead to plaque accumulation that may cause gingivitis due to gram-negative and positive bacterial activity present in the plaque. Roselle( Hibiscus sabdariffa linn) is known for anti-bacterial effect, containing anthocyanin pigments that act as antioxidants, and also has vitamins and minerals. These substances have antibacterial activity against gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. So the objective of this research is to determine the reducing number of colonies of gram-positive and negative bacteria to the patient using acrylic-resin crown with gingivits before and after given aqueos extract roselle 60%
Methods: This study is a before and after-test experimental research. A sample of 4 patients crown acrylic denture is divided into two groups. One of group was given Roselle 60%.
Samples were taken from gingivitis area with patient using acrylic-resin crown by swabs method before the treatment and the next day after given aqueos extract roselle 60% and the amount of bacterial colonies by the total plate count method.
Results: The result for gram-positive obtained mean and standard deviation before treatment 166,25 ± 91,08 and after 10,75 ± 3,5 and for gram-negative is before treatment is 207,75±21,76 and after treatment is 2,5±1,47. The result of t-paired test (p<0,05) obtaineD gram- positive (p = 0.043) and gram-negative bacteria (P=0,000), which means significantly aqueos extract roselle 60% can reduce the number of both types of bacteria
Conclusions: The aqueos extract roselle 60% effective in reducing the number of colonies of gram positive and negative bacteria in patients using acrylic-resin crown.
South East Asia Division Meeting
2018 South East Asia Division Meeting (Da Nang, Vietnam)
Da Nang, Vietnam
Dental Materials 2:Polymer-based Materials
  • Hatta, Lenni  ( Hasanuddin university , Makassar , South Sulawesi , Indonesia )
  • Sudjarwo, Iman  ( Hasanuddin university , Makassar , South Sulawesi , Indonesia )
  • Gunawan, Ulfah  ( Hasanuddin university , Makassar , South Sulawesi , Indonesia )
  • Ferry, Annisa  ( Hasanuddin university , Makassar , South Sulawesi , Indonesia )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Poster Session 1-Dental Materials, Clinical Trials, and Laboratory Research
    Thursday, 09/13/2018 , 11:15AM - 12:30PM