IADR Abstract Archives

Grafting of Anadara Granosa Shell and Sardine Oil on Expression of RANKL-OPG

Objectives: In dentistry, complication post-extraction, disease periodontal, prosthetic surgery, pathological conditions, and trauma can cause alveolar bone loss. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and the receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF)-kB ligand (RANKL) are key regulators of bone healing process. Anadara granosa’s (AG) shell is waste that can be used as a bone graft. Omega-3 in Sardinella longiceps (SL) oil has ability to stimulate the bone healing process. The aim of this research was to discover grafting of combination Anadara granosa shell and Sardinella longiceps oil paste to the gene expression of RANKL and OPG.
Methods: The experimental units (male wistar rat, n=6/gp) were divided into three groups. All of the wistar rat were made defects as big as of half diameter 1.5 mm-sized round bur in femur. Control group were not given graft application (K), treatment group were given AG shell paste alone (P1) and AG shell-SL oil (30%) combination (P2). Rats were sacrificed 7th days after surgery. RANKL’s and OPG’s Expression were measured (IHC staining) on the 7 th day and statistically analyzed (ANOVA, LSD, p<0.05).
Results: Data of RANKL expression showed K(7,33±1,33), P1(8,33±2,02) and P2(5,17±1,32). Anova test showed that there were no significant differences RANKL ekspression. Data of OPG expression showed K (8,67±2,33), P1 (24,33±2,93) and P2 (40,5±4,36). the results of ANOVA’s and LSD’s test, it showed significant differences between groups K(-) with P1 (p=0.004), with P2 (p=0,000), and between P1 and P2 (p=0,003).
Conclusions: Grafting of Anadara granosa shell and Sardinella longiceps oil paste increased gene expression of OPG, but not for RANKL.
South East Asian Division Meeting
2017 South East Asian Division Meeting (Taipei, Taiwan)
Taipei, Taiwan
Dental Materials 5: Biocompatibility, Bioengineering and Biologic Effects of Materials
  • Sari, Rima  ( Hang Tuah University , Surabaya , Indonesia )
  • Hermanto, Eddy  ( Hang Tuah University , Surabaya , East Java , Indonesia )
  • Prabowo, Puguh  ( Hang Tuah University , Surabaya , East Java , Indonesia )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Poster Session 1 Dental Material
    Saturday, 08/12/2017 , 03:00PM - 04:15PM