IADR Abstract Archives

Exosomal microRNA Signature as a Diagnostic Biomarker for Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

Objectives: 1) To isolate exosomes from the plasma and saliva of OSCC patients.
2. To extract total RNA from plasma and salivary exosomes
3. To extract total RNA from tissue
4. To characterize plasma and salivary exosomal microRNA cargo
Methods: Plasma and saliva samples will be collected from 60 OSCC patients and 20 healthy individuals that consent to be part of the study. Exosomes will be isolated from both plasma and saliva samples and subsequently, RNA will be extracted. RNA sequencing of exosomal miRNA from the plasma and saliva of OSCC patients and healthy control individuals will be done. The miRNA will be validated using the Cancer Genome Atlas database and differentially expressed miRNA will be validated with a larger cohort using Real-time PCR. Potential target genes, miRNA-mRNA networks, and enriched biological pathways regulated by this miRNA will be identified using computational tools.
Results: Plasma and saliva samples were collected and adequately processed and stored in a -80oC freezer until when needed. The most common site of oral cancer in patients already recruited is the lateral border of the tongue.
Conclusions: The study may identify miRNA panel which could serve as a potential diagnostic biomarker tool for OSCC.

2023 South African Division Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa)
Cape Town, South Africa

Diagnostic Sciences
  • Temilola, Dada  ( University of the Western Cape , Cape Town , Western Cape , South Africa )
  • Chetty, Manogari  ( University of the Western Cape , Stellenbosch , Western Cape , South Africa )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2023 South African Division Meeting