IADR Abstract Archives

Exploring Early Childhood Caries (ECC) Risk Factors and Maternal Relatedness: A Coess-Sectional Study in the Western Cape

Objectives: Mothers or caregivers have an integral role in the oral health practices of children. The aim of this study was to explore the relationship between early childhood caries (ECC),risk factors and maternal relatedness.
Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted amongst 48 (n) child-mother pairs within the Western Cape. DMFT(S)/dmft(s) scores for caries were assessed during a comprehensive oral examination. A structured questionnaire was administered to the mothers of the 2-6-year-old children. In addition to socio-demographic variables, oral hygiene practice, dentifrices, dietary practices and frequency of dental visits were included. The study was approved by the UWC Biomedical Research and Ethics Committee (BM19/10/18).
Results: Of the final sample (n=40) child-mother pairs, 32 children presented positive for caries and had extractions present as a result of caries. All the respective mothers of these children presented with caries. Seventy-five percent (n=24) of participating mothers were unemployed. All participants used a toothbrush and toothpaste and brushed a minimum of once a day. Only 4 mothers of children with active caries took their child to the dentist every 6 months for regular check-ups. Twenty-eight felt it only necessary to visit the dentist when needed. Poor diet was common across all participants’ with frequent snacking of carbohydrate-dense foods. Infant feeding comprised mainly breast and bottle-feeding, with a select few using cup feeding. All infants were fed either on demand or over 5 times daily with frequent night feeds.
Conclusions: Results of the study confirm that several factors are associated with ECC . Dentists should educate mother/caregivers on oral hygiene, cariogenic foods and the importance of regular dental care.

2023 South African Division Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa)
Cape Town, South Africa

Oral Health Research
  • Layloo, Nazreen  ( UWC , Cape Town , South Africa )
  • None
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2023 South African Division Meeting