IADR Abstract Archives

Dental educators’ perspectives of competencies required for the 21st Century dental graduate: A qualitative study

Objectives: Across the African continent, there is wide variation in the content and structure of dental curricula because of multiple factors such as school characteristics, interests of faculty, oral health needs of the local population in addition to interest of professional bodies that regulate the practice. This disparity in curriculum implies that dental graduates of different African countries enter the profession with different skills and attributes which can jeopardize the development of dental education and mobility in Africa.

The aim of this study was to explore dental educators’ views of dental graduate competencies required to practice in the 21st century at four dental schools in Africa.
Methods: A qualitative research approach was used with focus group discussions (FGD’S) as the data collection tool. Participants from each dental school were purposefully selected to include experienced dental educators. Each dental school conducted virtual FGD’S, with 5-8 participants each. The same interview guide was used for the four FGD’s to gain insight into their views on dental graduate competencies at their institution and country. The data was recorded, transcribed, and thematically analyzed.
Results: There were differences in the priorities, depth and scope of the competencies highlighted in the FGD’S, however common themes emerged. Dental educators considered the following as essential competencies: Preventive Care and Patient care, Practice Management, Digital Technology, Community Engagement. Professionalism and Ethical Values. The importance of communication skills, patient autonomy, continuous learning, professional skills, global competitiveness and local responsiveness were highlighted as additional competencies. The results suggest that all four dental schools agree that these competencies are not explicitly included in the formal curriculum..
Conclusions: Dental educators of all four dental schools were able to highlight competencies required for the dental graduate for the 21st century. A review of competencies were suggested.

2023 South African Division Meeting (Cape Town, South Africa)
Cape Town, South Africa

Education Research
  • Maart, Ronel  ( University of the Western Cape , Cape Town , South Africa )
  • Ogundipe, Olufemi Kolawole  ( Obafemi Awolowo University , Ile-Ife , Nigeria )
  • Boamah, Matthew Owusu  ( University of Ghana , Accra , Ghana )
  • Mutebi-kutesa, Annet  ( Makerere University , Kampala , Uganda )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2023 South African Division Meeting