IADR Abstract Archives

Position of Fovea Palatinae in Relation to Vibrating Line in Various Soft Palate Classifications Among a Jordanian Edentulous Population

Objectives: This study aims to examine the relationship between the locations of fovea palatinae and the posterior vibrating line in different classes of soft palate angulation (House Classification), accordingly determine its reliability as a landmark and a tool for determining the posterior limit of the maxillary complete denture.
Methods: 280 completely edentulous patients with normal healthy mucosa from both genders were randomly selected. The House classification of the soft palate angulation was identified and recorded as Class I, II, or III. Phonation was used to determine the position of the vibrating line. Fovea palatinae was then marked. Then, the distance between fovea palatinae and and vibrating line was measured and recorded. Finally, the relative position of fovea palatinae to the vibrating line was recorded as being anterior, posterior, or on the vibrating line. The Chi Square test, the effect size measures (Eta and Cramer’s V tests), The Spearman’s Rho rank correlation test, and multinominal logistic regression analysis were utilized to analyse the data.
Results: class II soft palate was the most prevalent (47%), followed by class I (44%) and class III (9%). Based on vibrating line position, 129 (58%) had a vibrating line anterior to fovea palatinae, 57 (26%) on, 36 (16%) posterior, but in 58 (21%) Fovea were not detected. The mean distance between the vibrating line and fovea 3.66 ±1.6 mm anteriorly and 2.97 ±1.36 mm posteriorly. No significant differences were found between males and females in regard to House classification and vibrating line position. The odds of having the fovea posterior to the vibrating line would increase by 5% for each year increase in the age (P= .035, odds ratio= 1.050).
Conclusions: Class II House classification of the soft palate was found to be the most prevalent among the study participants. Also, the vibrating line was anterior to fovea palatinae in the majority of cases. The odds of having the fovea posterior to the vibrating line would increase with age. The Fovea Palatinae could be considered a useful guide for locating the vibrating line.

2023 Qatar Section Meeting (Doha, Qatar)
Doha, Qatar

Prosthodontics Research
  • Elmanaseer, Wijdan  ( The University of Jordan , Amman , Jordan )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2023 Qatar Section Meeting