IADR Abstract Archives

Ovid and PubMed Underestimate Orthodontic RCT Numbers Compared to Hand-Searching


To examine the results of searching MEDLINE, via Ovid or PubMed, for randomised controlled trials (RCTs), published in four key orthodontic journals between 01/01/2001 and 31/12/2010 compared with hand-searching these journals using Cochrane Collaboration criteria.


RF satisfactorily completed the Cochrane Oral Health Group’s (OHG) hand-searching test search.

The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics, Angle Orthodontist, European Journal of Orthodontics and Journal of Orthodontics were hand-searched to identify all RCTs published in these journals between 01/01/2001 and 31/12/2010.

Ovid and PubMed were used to search MEDLINE, using the term publication type RCT for “orthodontic”, for RCTs published in these journals between 01/01/2001 and 31/12/2010. A free text PubMed search using the terms “orthodontic” AND “random*” was also performed. The numbers of RCTs identified using each method were compared.


Hand-searching identified 218 RCTs, fulfilling Cochrane criteria, published in these journals between 01/01/2001 and 31/12/2010. 56 RCTs (25.7%) were found by all 3 electronic searches, however 37 RCTs (17%) were not identified by any of these strategies.

Ovid was significantly less sensitive than PubMed (OR 8.43, 95%CI 5.48, 12.97) missing 157 RCTs (72.0%), while PubMed missed 51 (23.4%). The free text PubMed search, using the terms orthodontic AND random*, was the most sensitive missing 45 RCTs (20.6%) but this was not statistically significant (OR 0.85, 95%CI 0.54, 1.34)


Handsearching was much more sensitive than electronic searching at identifying RCTs published in key orthodontic journals. There was a significant underestimation of RCTs using Ovid and PubMed. This may bias systematic reviews relying on electronic searching to identify eligible papers.

Pan European Region Meeting
2012 Pan European Region Meeting (Helisinki, Finland)
Helisinki, Finland
Scientific Groups
  • Fitzgerald, Rhian  ( University of Liverpool, Liverpool, N/A, United Kingdom )
  • Sawbridge, David  ( University of Liverpool, Liverpool, N/A, United Kingdom )
  • Burnside, Girvan  ( University of Liverpool, Liverpool, N/A, United Kingdom )
  • Harrison, Jayne E.  ( University of Liverpool, Liverpool, N/A, United Kingdom )
  • Oral Session
    BSODR/Colgate Junior and Senior Prize Competition