IADR Abstract Archives

Wales care home residents’ oral health status

Background: Previous surveys suggested poor oral health of care home residents. The UK Adult Dental Health Survey excludes this vulnerable group. Objectives: This survey sought to assess levels of disease experienced by care home residents.  Methods: Structured interview on oral health behaviour and impact of oral conditions on daily life and clinical examination to assess the state of teeth/dentures using criteria from the 2009 UK Adult Dental Health Survey. NHS research ethics approval was achieved. 228 homes were randomly selected from the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales website. 5 randomly selected residents from each home were invited to participate. Data was collected from October 2010-June 2011. Results: 210 care homes and 708 residents took part (76 of whom lacked capacity to consent).  The majority of residents (635) were age 75 and over.  Likelihood of being edentate increased with age.  46% of residents were dentate.  More male residents (51.4%) were dentate compared with females (44.3%).  67% (220) of dentate care home residents (n=326) had untreated decay present and the prevalence of untreated decay was associated with deprivation.  23% (75) had 21 or more teeth. The average number of teeth among dentate care home residents was 13.9, and the average number of sound and untreated teeth was 8.4.  Compared with ADHS 2009 findings those aged <75 were less likely than free living peers to have 21 or more teeth; those 75 and over were as likely as free living dentate peers to have 21 or more teeth.  Conclusions:  An increasingly dentate population is present in Welsh care homes most of whom have untreated dental disease.  This is likely to be a continuing trend with implications for the nature of dental care required now and in future. Acknowledgement: Welsh Government supported this survey.
Pan European Region Meeting
2012 Pan European Region Meeting (Helisinki, Finland)
Helisinki, Finland
Scientific Groups
  • Morgan, Maria  ( Cardiff University School of Dentistry, Cardiff, N/A, Wales )
  • Monaghan, Nigel  ( Public Health Wales, Cardiff, N/A, Wales )
  • Karki, Anup  ( Public Health Wales, Cardiff, N/A, Wales )
  • Oral Session
    Behavioral, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research