IADR Abstract Archives

“Come for treatment after 12 years”, is it a Myth, a Mystery or Reality!

Summary: How one feels if any near or dear one is referred for surgery and how badly it hurts if one gets to know that it was preventable if only proper advice was given. No one wishes to go under the knife unless extremely necessary. As a general dentist can you help your patients with the right advice and can help transform their smile and life. Every day we encounter patients who are regular for their dental visits but still are unable to catch the train for the required treatment. And a lot of onus lies on general dental practitioners who can help their patients to seek treatment at the right time. Today’s lecture will cover what is the story behind “Come for treatment after 12 years”, is it a Myth, a Mystery or Reality!
Pakistan Division Meeting
2019 Pakistan Section Meeting (Karachi, Pakistan)
Karachi, Pakistan

  • Quraishi, Babur Ashraf
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