IADR Abstract Archives

Difference in Perception of Facial Attractiveness Between Orthodontists & Lay Persons in Subjects with Canted Occlusal Plane & Chin Deviation– An Analytical Cross-sectional Study

Objectives: The primary objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of occlusal plane cant on smile esthetics in subjects with chin deviation perceived by orthodontists and lay persons. The secondary objective of this study is to determine the direction of occlusal cant towards or away from chin asymmetry that is better in terms of esthetics.
Methods: Seventy-two raters evenly distributed across two panels of raters (orthodontic residents (OR), and laypersons (LP)) participated in this cross-sectional study. Smiling frontal photographs of adult male and female subjects were modified using Photoshop software (Adobe Photoshop) to display varying degrees of occlusal cant along with chin deviation. Raters were given a visual analog scale (VAS) to make subjective assessments of facial attractiveness of the modified photographs. Independent t test was employed to compare ES between the raters. The ES between occlusal plane cant towards and away from chin deviation were compared using a paired t test.
Results: A statistically significant difference was observed in ES between the raters for photographs of male subjects towards chin deviation at 6° and 8° (p ≤ 0.05) whereas females received significant esthetic scores towards and away from chin deviation at 2°, 4°, 6° and 8° (p ≤ 0.05). Statistically significant differences were seen between ES given for 6° occlusal cant towards and away from chin deviation.
Conclusions: Degree of occlusal cant influences the esthetic scores given by orthodontists and lay persons
Increasing the occlusal plane cant angulation significantly decreases the attractiveness of the face
Orthodontists were more judgmental and gave lesser scores when compared to lay persons
Females received higher esthetic scores from lay persons as compared to orthodontists
Both orthodontists and laypersons rated the cant towards chin deviation as more esthetically pleasing

2023 Pakistan Section Meeting (Hybrid/Lahore, Pakistan)
Hybrid/Lahore, Pakistan

Orthodontics Research
  • Masood, Zahra  ( Aga Khan University Hospital , Karachi , Sindh , Pakistan )
  • Fida, Mubassar  ( Aga Khan University Hospital , Karachi , Sindh , Pakistan )
  • Sukhia, Rashna  ( Aga Khan University Hospital , Karachi , Sindh , Pakistan )
  • NONE
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