IADR Abstract Archives

Palestinian Pregnant Women's Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Infant Oral Health and Their Own: a Cross-Sectional Study.

Objectives: -Assess the level of knowledge, attitudes, and practices among Palestinian pregnant women.
-Compare findings across geographic regions, and across private and government clinics, and to evaluate the effect of information-receiving and information sources on KAP.
Methods: An observational cross-sectional study will utilize a self-administered questionnaire to collect data from pregnant women who attend their routine prenatal care appointments at a selected Palestinian maternity and childhood clinics. The survey will be conducted at various private and government clinics across different regions of Palestine, We adopted a validated survey from previous literature.Data will be analyzed using IBM SPSS statistics.
Results: Currently a total of 406 women completed the survey from the north. 3. The average age is 26. furthermore, half of the mothers have a bachelor's degree , however, 78% of the participants are housekeepers. Regarding the trimester, 22% are in the first trimester, 29% in the second.
Most of the women have at least one child. Only 34% of the participants received information about oral health during pregnancy.
Concerning the participants' awareness, approximately half of the expectant mothers express uncertainty regarding asked questions.
Regarding the attitude of pregnant women, the majority of them acknowledge the safety of routine dental care
regarding the surveyed women's practices for their own oral health, 44% of them brush their teeth twice daily, while 42% occasionally floss.
Conclusions: The findings of this study imply that pregnant women generally do not have sufficient knowledge and attitudes regarding oral health during pregnancy and infant oral health.

2024 Joint IADR Jordanian & Palestinian Section Meeting

e-Oral Health Network
  • Ramadan, Mayyasah  ( Al-Quds University , East Jerusalem , west bank , Palestine, State of )
  • Baker, Israa  ( Al-Quds University , East Jerusalem , west bank , Palestine, State of )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    pregnancy trimester