IADR Abstract Archives

control of MRONJ with PRF

Objectives: 1- to identify the clinical and radiographical features of the MRONJ
2- identification of methods of treatment
3- highlight the benifit of prf in control of MRONJ
Methods: this is a case report of a female patient who presented with pain and extra-oral fistula following implant placement due to the effect of osteoperosis medications
Results: patient was controlled by the PRF therapy as a part of treatment
Conclusions: MRONJ is beeing one of the hardest disease to treat and controll, since the medications have long half life, we suggest a protocol of treatment in which we included prf as a part of treatment since it has the necessary growth factors needed for bone healing

2023 Jordanian Section (Amman, Jordan)


Oral Medicine and Pathology
  • Fatafta, Dawlat  ( jordinian university , Amman , Jordan )
  • Hassona, Yazan  ( jordinian university , Amman , Jordan )
  • none
    Poster Session
    Clinical case poster
    Friday, 06/23/2023 , 11:00AM - 12:00PM