IADR Abstract Archives

the frong-egg tongue

Objectives: 1- to identify the characteristic feature of such rare lesion
2- to identify the difficultires of treating the disease
3- to suggest the safest methods as well as effective methods of treating the large diffuse lesions of the tongue
Methods: this is a case of adult male patient who presented with unusual tongue appearance with challenges in treatment diagnosed with lymphangioma circumscriptum of the tongue
Results: according to the characteristic clinical presentation the patient was diagnosed with lyphangioma circumscriptum, and treated in step-wise surgical as well as medical therapy in order to improve the function as well as to decrease the surgical complications regarding aggresive surgical resection
Conclusions: while the clinical presentation is characteristic, but the rare presentation of such lesion in the tongue make the diagnosis difficult, and since the lesion is generalized all over the tongue make the surgical management very diffuclut regarding the possibility of bleeding, edema and airway compormise, we suggest in this case the charactersitic features of such lesion to make diagnosis easy and the safest way of treating this lesion

2023 Jordanian Section (Amman, Jordan)


Oral Medicine and Pathology
  • Barakat, Motaz  ( jordinian university , Amman , Jordan )
  • Hassona, Yazan  ( jordinian university , Amman , Jordan )
  • none
    Poster Session
    Clinical case poster
    Friday, 06/23/2023 , 11:00AM - 12:00PM