IADR Abstract Archives

A jaw eating crystals

Objectives: We report and describe the oral findings of a 44-year-old female patient who was diagnosed with primary hyperoxaluria. The most important findings include bone resorption in the jaws, external root resorption, rapidly progressive dental mobility, and the proper management of hyperoxaluria's complications in the jaw.
Methods: This is a case report of an unususal generalised teeth mobility jaws bone loss in a 44 year old female patient .
Results: The medical history, examination, and investigation confirmed the diagnosis of hyperoxaluria.
Conclusions: Excessive calcium oxalate deposition can rarely be noted in the pulps of the teeth, alveolar bone, and periodontal ligament. This results in aggressive external and internal root resorption, leading to pulp exposure and tooth mobility. Proper management of hyperoxaluria's complications was discussed according to this caase

2023 Jordanian Section (Amman, Jordan)


Oral Medicine and Pathology
  • Abujajah, Ala’a  ( jordan universty hospital , Amman , Jordan )
  • none
    Clinical case oral presentations
    Clinical oral presentation
    Friday, 06/23/2023 , 04:00PM - 05:00PM