IADR Abstract Archives

A pilot study of effects on Dentifrice Containing Neem for Oral Malodor, Plaque Adhesion, Gingival Inflammation and Oral Bacteria

Abstract: Objectives: Azadirachta india (Neem) as an evergreen tree of the genus Azadirachta has been reported about antibacterial and plaque formation inhibitory effects in vitro studies. However, there have been few clinical studies of this dentifrice compared with other dentifrices. The aim of this study was to investigate effects of dentifrice containing neem on oral malodor and antibacterial and plaque inhibitory in vivo as a pilot study.

Methods: Four healthy adults (two males and females) participated in the study. The study was conducted by the crossover method using dentifrices of containing neem, quasi-drug (fluoride and cetylpyridinium chloride containing) and cosmetic were prepared. The subjects were instructed to brush with them at 3 times a day for two weeks. After experimental term, they had a week washout period. At baseline and experimental two weeks after, we evaluated on oral malodor by Breathtron®(YOSHIDA. CO.) and Oral Chroma(Nissha FIS, Inc.), plaque adhesion (plaque index), gingival inflammation (gingival index, probing pocket depth, and bleeding on probing) and oral bacteria in saliva by Bacterial counter®(PHC Holdings Corp.) , Dentocult®-SM and LB(Oral Care. Inc.).

Result: After two experimental weeks, the neem-containing dentifrice showed an improvement tendency in gingival inflammation. On the other hand, the quasi-drug dentifrice showed an improvement tendency in oral malodor. However, there were no significant differences between before and after and 3-experimental groups. This pilot study was carried out by small number of subjects and short test period, so, it should be necessary to increase the number of subjects and the test period in the future.

Conclusion: As a result of using a neem-containing dentifrice for 2 weeks, it may be suggested only an improvement tendency on gingival inflammation, however, there were no significant effects on oral malodor, plaque adhesion, and oral bacteria.
Japanese Division Meeting
2020 Japanese Division Meeting (Virtual)
Virtual, Japan
Oral Health Research
  • Yasui, Miyu  ( Department of Priventive Oral Health Care Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan )
  • Shinada, K.  ( Department of Priventive Oral Health Care Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan )
  • Poster Session