IADR Abstract Archives

Assessment of the dimensional consistency of Coltène Hyflex EDM system

Objectives: Endodontic treatment aims to eliminate all pulpal tissue and micro-organisms from within the root canal system through the use of mechanical and chemical means. Sodium hypochlorite is the standard chemical irrigant used, while mechanical debridement uses endodontic files of a known taper and diameter. Following successful debridement, a three-dimensional root filling is placed, which will protect the tooth from further microbial invasion by eliminating all avenues of leakage from the oral cavity and surrounding tissues. The quest for an endodontic system offering predictable preparation and obturation outcomes has lead manufacturers to develop single file/cone systems. However, if cones do not match the respective files, the concept fails leaving the clinician with a suboptimal obturation, compromising the success of the endodontic treatment. The aim of this study is to assess any differences in diameter and taper which may exist between the relatively new file/cone system of Coltène Hyflex EDM one file and their corresponding gutta percha cones. Methods: A sample size of 157/79 GP cones/files had three fixed reproducible points marked. Using a Sylvac Micron Digital Callipers with a resolution of 0.001mm. The diameter of each sample was measured at each of the fixed points (D1, D2, D3) All data was collected in a data collection table. Taper for each sample was calculated. Results: Gutta Percha Cones diameter range: D1 .32-.42mm, D2 .58-.63mm, D3 .82-.84mm EDM One files diameter range: D1 .38-.41mm, D2 .52-.54mm, D3 .79-.81mm Taper of GP cones 0.08-0.06, Mean taper of files 0.05 Conclusions: Dimensional discrepancies exist between Coltène Hyflex EDM files and their corresponding Gutta Percha points. The greatest variation exists in the apical diameter of gutta percha cones. This potentially could reduce endodontic success if the operator is dependent solely on the precision of this single file/cone system.
Irish Division Meeting
2019 Irish Division Meeting (Cork, Ireland)
Cork, Ireland

Accepted Abstracts
  • O'leary, Fiona  ( University College Cork )
  • N/A
    The Irish Division Postgraduate Award