IADR Abstract Archives

Evaluation of biodegradation tendency in tissue engineering scaffold to designed peptide

Objectives: Many scaffolds found in tissue engineering using silver, copper and zinc have antibacterial effects.Zinc supplementation can improve mucosal innate immunity through induction of antimicrobial peptide (LL-37) secretion from intestinal epithelial cells. Antimicrobial peptides can be found in a number of body cells. Among a large number of peptides, peptides that affect intra-oral pathogen bacteria are discussed. According to this point that P. intermedia and P. gingivalis might be associated with development of peri-implantitis.In evaluating the antibacterial properties of scaffolds, even the extracellular matrix of some living tissues of the body is also used. In this study, anti-bacterial peptide was used in tissue engineering scaffolds.

Methods: Composite scaffolds have been reinforced with various bases of biochemicals and have been investigated in the laboratory so that a reasonable amount of affinity in the peptide can be designed and added to the scaffold.
Results: Therefore, to connect the peptide to the scaffold is required to a sufficient degree of utilization in tissue engineering. In this research, two calcium phosphate biochemicals were used to evaluate the affinity of the peptide tag provided. In vitro, peptide binding was better than hydroxyapatite with its designed tag.
Conclusions: However, extensive surveys are needed
So you can comment on choosing the type of biochemical material in the engineering engineering scaffold It depends on many factors, including the amount of peptide in the scaffold and the type of peptide and scaffold ...
Iranian Division Meeting
2017 Iranian Division Meeting (Tehran, Iran)
Tehran, Iran

Dental Materials 6: Polymer-based Materials-Chemistry and Composition
  • Razazpour, Fateme  ( Tehran University of Medical Scineces , Tehran , Iran (the Islamic Republic of) )
  • Hasannia, Sadegh  ( School of Biological Sciences, Tarbiat Modares University , Tehran , Iran (the Islamic Republic of) )
  • Shahabi, Sima  ( Tehran University of Medical Scineces , Tehran , Iran (the Islamic Republic of) )
  • Gashtasbi, Nastaran  ( School of Biological Sciences , Tehran , Iran (the Islamic Republic of) )
  • Department of Dental Biomaterials, School of Dentistry, Tehran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented