Efficacy of 1% metformin gel mixed with PRF in augmenting narrow ridge with split-crest technique and implant installation
Objectives: evaluate the efficacy of PRF mixed with 1% metformin gel, in horizontal ridge augmentation with split-crest technique, for implant placement. Methods: 24 implants were inserted in narrow ridges of twelve patients who were randomly assigned into one of two groups. In group 1, patients were treated by split crest technique with implant placement only (control group). In group 2, patients received SCT with implant placement and 1% metformin gel mixed with PRF (text group). Implant stability was recorded for every single implant immediately after insertion during surgery, and at 6 months. Modified Gingival Index, modified Plaque Index, and probing depth were recorded and repeated at one, 3, and 6 months. Immediately after surgery, at the time of loading, and 6 months after loading ridge width, crestal bone loss, as well as bone density, were evaluated. Results: The mean alveolar crest width, bone density, and implant stability measurements were significantly higher in metformin mixed with the PRF group than the control one. Crestal bone loss (CBL) measurements were lower in metformin mixed with the PRF group than control one. Conclusions: The results of the present study may provide clinical evidence for the possible osteogenic potential of MF, indicating that, adding it to PRF which is known with short time stability may increase its therapeutic performance.