IADR Abstract Archives

Malignant transformation of oral lichen planus: a case report

Objectives: Oral lichen planus (OLP) is a chronic disease in which autoreactive T cell lymphocytes play an important role. In OLP patients, Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) will develop, with a malignant transformation rate ranging from 0% to 5.30 %.
In this study, a 23-year-old male patient presented with erythematous oral lichen planus as the primary symptom but OSCC as the secondary symptom.
Methods: A 23-year-old male patient presented with the primary complaint of a fairly large ulcerative lesion on the hard palate that had been present for 9 months and had not responded to local application of various drugs or systemic treatment. Under local anesthesia, the incisional biopsy specimen was obtained; the biopsy specimen included some clinically normal tissues, with the incision directing from the normal to the diseased tissues. The biopsy was immediately placed in a suitable fixing solution; usually 10% neutral buffered formalin, and sent to the pathologic laboratory to confirm the diagnosis.
Results: Two biopsy specimens were taken: a palate single irregular greyish white tissue piece (1.5x 0.7cm) and an upper lip single irregular greyish white tissue piece (1x 8cm). Histopathological examination showed a moderate degree of dysplasia in the form of pleomorphism, hyperchromatisum, abnormal nuclear/cytoplasmic ratio, and abnormal mitosis. The underlying connective tissue with dense mixed inflammatory cell infiltration was revealed by histopathology of a given section from the palate.
Histopathology of an upper lip shows a moderate hyperplastic epithelium, and the underlying connective tissue is infiltrated by a moderately diffuse lymphocytic infiltrate. The histopathological section supported the diagnosis of carcinoma in situ. After that, the patient was referred to a cancer center for treatment.
Conclusions: The current study emphasises to the scientific community the importance of early detection and treatment of precancerous oral lesions. Furthermore, this study describes the main clinical and histopathological features of early oral squamous cell carcinoma, a lesion with a high morbidity and mortality rate.

2022 Egyptian Section Meeting (Cairo, Egypt)
Cairo, Egypt

Oral Medicine & Pathology Research
  • Galal, Abdelatiaf  ( Al-Azhar , Nasr city , Cairo , Egypt )
  • Eldestawy, Mahmoud  ( Al-Azhar , Nasr city , Cairo , Egypt )
  • none
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at Egyptian Section (Africa Health EXcon 2022)