IADR Abstract Archives

Development of a Clinical Practice Guideline on Treatments for Dental Trauma in Emergency Settings

Objectives: Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are documents systematically developed to help clinicians and patients in the decision-making process. Thus, this study aimed to develop a CPG focused on treatments for dental trauma in emergency services.
Methods: We developed a CPG focused on treatments for dental trauma in emergency services following the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluations) methodology. A systematic search of the literature was conducted to identify evidence of the effectiveness of therapeutic interventions for dental trauma in emergency settings. The quality of evidence was determined using different tools. A group of stakeholders participated in all processes, from the determination of clinical questions to the generation of recommendations.
Results: Overall, six clinical questions were addressed in the CPG, among the recommendations included are that a comprehensive clinical record is compulsatory; when a lateral or extrusive dislocation of a permanent tooth with closed apex; it is suggested to maintain periodic control and not perform endodontic treatment immediately; in people with permanent teeth with a closed apex, avulsed for more than an hour, it is suggested to perform tooth reimplantation. Overall, most recommendations included in the CPG were classified as “conditional” by the panel and were based on a “low” or “very low” level of evidence.
Conclusions: Although this is a useful CPG to improve the decision-making process in dental healthcare services, greater efforts are needed to encourage the participation of stakeholders and improve the clinical outcomes of people suffering from dental trauma.

2024 Colombian Division Meeting (Cartagena, Colombia)
Cartagena, Colombia

Behavioral, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research
  • Madera, Meisser  ( Universidad de Cartagena , Cartagena , Colombia )
  • Newball Correa, David  ( Universidad de Cartagena , Cartagena , Colombia )
  • Acfo, Grupo Desarrollador De Guia De Trauma  ( ACFO , Bogotá , Colombia )
  • NONE
    ACFO-Colgate Research Grant 2022 and Universidad de Cartagena
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2024 Colombian Division Meeting