IADR Abstract Archives

Bone Neoformation Promoted by Platelet-Rich Fibrin in Molar Distalization Treatment

Objectives: To evaluate the effect of platelet-rich fibrin on the bone neoformation process in molar distalization orthodontics treatment
Methods: A randomized clinical study split- mouth trial was performed in healthed volunteers (21,3±4,3 years) of both sexs treated in the orthodontic clinics of the Antonio Nariño University, Armenia. Ethical aspects were approved by institutional committee. Molar bilateral distalization was treated with passive self-ligating brackets (Pitts 21®), nickel-titanium open coil springs (Dentos®), and mini-implantd for anchorage (TADS) installed in infrazigomatic zone. In addition, an injection of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) squeezed (2ml) was injected in the experimental group. Clinical (meso-distal length), radiographic (relative bone density), and molecular (Periostin protein expression) tests were performed before (T0), and 3 months after treatment (T1). The group assignment was blinded both participants and examiners. The t-student test was used to inter and intragroup comparisons (p<0,05)
Results: The comparative analysis showed a significant increase (p=0,004) in the meso-distal length in the PRF group (1,87±0,65mm) compared to the control group (0,93±0,23mm) at T1. The relative bone density was significantly greater (p=0,01) in the PRF group (28,82 ±10,15) compared to the control group (14,12 ±10,60) at T1. The differences between T0 and T1 were not statistically significant in both groups (p≥0,05). An increase in the concentration of Periostin was observed on both sides but was significantly greater (p=0,023) in the PRF group (2,08±0,3) compared to the control group (1,57±0,21). The periostin expression were significant greater in both groups at T1 in comparison with T0 (p≤0,05)
Conclusions: The bone neoformation in the orthodontic molar distalization shows better both clinical and radiographic results with PRF injection. The periostin expression was greater in the molars stimulated by PRF. Is necessary to perform more studies to evaluate the effect of PRF in this orthodontic technique.

2024 Colombian Division Meeting (Cartagena, Colombia)
Cartagena, Colombia

Dental Materials 8: Clinical Trials
  • Gutierrez Ramirez, David  ( Universidad Antonio Nariño - Popayán , Popayan , Colombia )
  • Jiménez, Nancy  ( Universidad Antonio Nariño - Armenia , Armenia , Colombia )
  • Peralta, Tatiana  ( Universidad Antonio Nariño - Armenia , Armenia , Colombia )
  • Velarde, Fabian  ( Universidad Antonio Nariño - Armenia , Armenia , Colombia )
  • NONE
    Universidad Antonio Nariño
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2024 Colombian Division Meeting