IADR Abstract Archives

Silver Diamine Fluoride: Are we Ready for its use in Colombia?

Objectives: To illustrate the advances in the current evidence regarding the use of SDF since the promulgation of the WHO guideline for dental caries control and prevention, as well as its effectiveness and appropriation by parents/caregivers and dentists in Colombia. This work included a participatory effort of the academy, the community, the profession and public and private early childhood care entities.
Methods: Central Problem
Even though dental caries is considered a preventable disease, it is one of the most prevalent NCDs globally (prevalence of untreated/cavitational caries: 34%), with significant social and economic impact. FDI and WHO have emphasized the need to incorporate cariostatic agents to the population to manage cavitational caries. The SDF represents an alternative to conventional invasive techniques, it minimizes the risks of not treating cavities (it is painless, simple and economically feasible), which facilitates its adoption to reduce the national burden of caries in early childhood. However, its effectiveness and acceptance have not been assessed in the Colombian population.
Promotion of advances dissemination related to the use of SDF in Colombia and exploring the feasibility of its adoption as a public health measure with broad coverage
Results: Generate recognition and dissemination of the use of SDF as an effective and accepted strategy for dental caries management.
Conclusions: Use of silver SDF for the effective dental caries management in Colombia.

2024 Colombian Division Meeting (Cartagena, Colombia)
Cartagena, Colombia

Cariology Research-Fluoride & Ca-based Products
  • Martignon, Stefania  ( UNIVERSIDAD EL BOSQUE , BOGOTÁ D.C. , Cundinamarca , Colombia )
  • Beltrán, Edgar Orlando  ( UNIVERSIDAD EL BOSQUE , BOGOTÁ D.C. , Cundinamarca , Colombia )
  • Jacome, Sofia  ( UNIVERSIDAD EL BOSQUE , BOGOTÁ D.C. , Cundinamarca , Colombia )
  • Ochoa, Emilia María  ( UNIVERSIDAD COOPERATIVA DE COLOMBIA , Medellín , Antioquia , Colombia )
  • Fortich-mesa, Natalia  ( CORPORACIÓN UNIVERSITARIA RAFAEL NÚÑEZ , Cartagena , Bolivar , Colombia )
  • NONE
    Oral Session