IADR Abstract Archives


Objectives: Describe the academic commitment of dental students from clinical practices at a private institution in Cartagena.
Methods: Descriptive cross-sectional study of 226 students, considering the selection criteria and obtaining their informed consent, considering the national regulations Resolution 008430 of 1993 and after guaranteeing the confidentiality of their data. Examiners were previously calibrated for application test. Demographic information was obtained through a questionnaire assessed by experts, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale instrument in its 9-item version (considering responses on a Likert scale) was used to measure commitment, assessing vigor, dedication and absorption. Reliability analysis using Cronbach's alpha was used and descriptive measures were calculated.
Results: The reliability analysis showed a value of 0.89 and the dimensions vigor 0.77, dedication 0.91 and absorption 0.74. The average age of the participants was 20.6 years, with a predominance of females. In terms of the desire to attend class daily, it was present in 27% of the participants, only 50% were shown to be happy when carrying out tasks related to studies and about 70% are proud to pursue their degree.
Conclusions: Students evaluated have academic engagement, however, some items from Utrecht showed low frequencies, meriting the need to design new research to search for causalities associated with academic commitment.

2024 Colombian Division Meeting (Cartagena, Colombia)
Cartagena, Colombia

Education Research
  • Tirado Amador, Lesbia Rosa  ( Universidad del Sinú , Cartagena , Bolívar , Colombia )
  • Díaz Narváez, Víctor  ( Universidad Andrés Bello , Santiago , Chile )
  • Soto Pacheco, Francisco  ( Universidad del Sinú , Cartagena , Bolívar , Colombia )
  • Ortega Bonet, Jozef  ( Universidad del Sinú , Cartagena , Bolívar , Colombia )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2024 Colombian Division Meeting