Evaluation of the Manual Dexterity with Indirect Vision in Dental Students of a Private University, Quito , 2014
Objectives: Evaluate the development of fine manual dexterity indirect students of the career of Dentistry in the Univeresidad Internacional del Ecuador for two semesters linking the level of knowledge, age, sex, daily practices of skills and presence or not of dentists into the family Methods: 130 students were assessed in two periods with an interval of 11 months, Two evaluations were made using the technique of specular drawing, same that were analyzed by three specialized teachers specializing in this field, which is reproduced by a stroke a projected two-dimensional figure by a plane mirror located in the box reflection, two evaluations, same as they were described by three teachers specialized in this area, providing an initial and final grade, using a range of 0 to 5. The data were collected and subject to statistical analysis by SPSS program. Results: The average note of manual dexterity in the first evaluation was 2.65 (SD 1.18) and the second evaluation was 2.91 (SD 1.02), this difference was significant (p = 0.02 ). In the pre clinical group 51.3% (40/78) improved in the evaluation, while the clinical group improved 75% (24/32) of students (p = 0.02). Factors such as sex, age, family history, use of lenses or other skill activities did not contribute to the explanation of the frequency of students improved in the second assessment (p> 0.05) Conclusions: Demonstrating that the hours of pre clinical practice not allowed at all, an improvement in the manual dexterity, raising the need to motivate the student in fine motor development from the beginning of the career.
Latin American Region Meeting
2015 Latin American Region Meeting (Bogota, Colombia) Bogota, Colombia