IADR Abstract Archives


Objectives: Evaluate whether there are differences in the absorption of saliva in 4 commercial brands of bulk fill composite resin after aging with thermocycling
Methods: 48 samples were made based on 4 commercial brands of bulk fill composite resins; Filtek one (3M), Tetric Bulk fill (Ivoclar), Aura (SDI) and Fill up (Coltene). Twelve discs of composite resin were manufactured for each commercial brand, 4 mm thick and 5 mm in diameter. The samples were weighed and placed in 0.6 ml Eppendorf tubes filled with Xeros (artificial saliva, Dentaid). Subsequently, they were left in the thermocycler and subjected to 10,000 cycles distributed over 11 days in total. Then they were weighed again to compare with the initial weight to show the absorption of the liquid through the increase in weight and thus compare the 4 brands. The analysis of the groups was performed with the JASP program using the t-Student and ANOVA (p<0,05).
Results: A statistically significant difference (p<0.05) was obtained in the delta value (the difference between the initial and final weight), obtaining an average of 0.001 ml. However, there was no statistically significant difference (p>0.05) when comparing the delta values between the 4 commercial brands.
Conclusions: The results collected in this study, indicate that there is absorption of artificial saliva by the Bulk Fill composite resins, but that the commercial brands used did not influence the absorption process, all behaved in a similar way.

2022 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile

Dental Materials 8: Clinical Trials
  • Donoso, Bárbara  ( Universidad Nacional Andres Bello , Viña del mar , Chile )
  • Chacón, Nicolás  ( Universidad Nacional Andres Bello , Viña del mar , Chile )
  • Gajardo, Manuel  ( Universidad Nacional Andres Bello , Viña del mar , Chile )
  • Paz, Patricia  ( Universidad Nacional Andres Bello , Viña del mar , Chile )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2022 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)