Daily Fluctuations of Proteins, Calcium, Phosphate and pH in Saliva
Objectives: Saliva is key for dental remineralization and caries protection. Whether saliva’s most important remineralizing compounds have daily fluctuations is unclear. The aim of this research was to determine the daily fluctuations of the protein content, calcium and phosphate concentration, and pH in young adults’ saliva. Methods: Eleven participants were invited to donate 15 mL of unstimulated saliva, in 6 time-points during one day, from 7:00 am to 3:00 am, the next day. Participants were given a personalized Mediterranean diet, according to individual nutritional requirements. Protein content (μg/mL) was determined by a commercial BCA kit. Calcium and Phosphate were measured by spectrophotometry (Reflectoquant Flex, Merck) and expressed in mg/L. An electronic pH-meter was used to measure salivary pH at each time point. ANOVA tests were performed to calculate differences at each time point among the participants. Results: Protein concentration showed the highest value at 7:00 pm (1702.7 μg/mL) and the lowest at 3:00 am (1402.6 μg/mL). Calcium and Phosphate had the highest concentration at 7:00 am with 34 mg/L and 93 mg/L, respectively. The mean pH value slightly increased after meals during the day; 7.36 (3:00 pm), 7.39 (7:00 pm) and 7.37 (11:00 pm) compared with a drop to 7.25 observed at 3:00 am. Protein concentration, calcium and phosphate levels, and pH measures were not statistically significantly different at any time-point during the day (p>0.05). Conclusions: Salivary protein concentration, Calcium, Phosphate and pH seem remain stable in saliva from healthy young adults. Future studies could explore these variations in high-risk patients or in other age groups.