IADR Abstract Archives

Dietary habits, nutritional status and caries in the Chilean population

Objectives: To determine the relationship between the nutritional status, diet composition and the prevalence of cavitated carious lesions in people over 15 years of age according to the data collected by the Chilean National Health Survey (CNHS) 2016-17
Methods: A cross-sectional study was developed analyzing data from the CNHS. Variables included body mass index (BMI), diet composition, and the presence of cavitated caries lesions. Then, using the complex sample analyses package of SPSS v 25 chi-squared and binary regression models were performed.
Results: The prevalence of people with carious lesions is 51.3%. Only 17.4% of Chileans reported drinking the recommended amount of water. Caries prevalence is highest in those who never consume dairy (61.3%, p<0.001) or whole wheat flour (54.7%, p=0.004) and among consumers of sugary drinks (54.4%, p=0.004). The BMI also increases caries the prevalence, however, this was not statistically significant (p=0.18). The binary model was significant for 5% of the variance. Soft drinks (OR=1.3, p=0.03) and whole wheat consumption (OR=1.2, p=0.04), controlled by age (p<0.001) and sex (p=0.002) were statistically associated with the cavitated caries prevalence
Conclusions: There was a relationship between dietary patterns (diary, fiber, and sugar consumption) and caries prevalence. It might be relevant to explore these associations further to create and improve caries risk models including the risk indicators previously mentioned. There is need to develop a national oral health survey to monitor these risk factors and to evaluate existing oral health programs.

2022 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile

Behavioral, Epidemiologic and Health Services Research
  • Valdés, Sebastian  ( Universidad de Talca , Talca , Chile ;  Universidad de Talca , Talca , Chile )
  • Parra, Paola  ( Universidad de Talca , Talca , Chile )
  • Quezada, Rocio  ( Universidad de Talca , Talca , Chile )
  • Gambetta-tessini, Karla  ( Universidad de Talca , Talca , Chile ;  Universidad de Talca , Talca , Chile )
  • NONE
    Poster Session
    Abstracts Presented at 2022 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)