Oral Health Analysis Among Patients With And Without Movement Disorders
Objectives: - Compare the presence of temporomandibular disorders in patients. with and without movement disorders. - Compare the state of oral health among patients with disorders of the movement and patients without movement disorders on examination intraoral hard and soft tissue Methods: A case and control study was carried out, with a quantitative and comparative approach, oral health exams were performed in patients with and without movement disorders, applying surveys, clinical guidelines, to determine the state of oral health and the significant differences between groups. Results: The results obtained showed a minimal significance between the two groups, however it could be observed that there is a greater deterioration of oral health in patients with movement disorders, showing a greater difference in COPD. Conclusions: In conclusion, there is a greater deterioration of oral health in patients with movement disorders, but the significance is minimal, so it can be concluded that this condition is not decisive. There is a greater difference in the measurement points of COPD and xerostomia