IADR Abstract Archives

Determination of morphogeometric patterns in individuals with mandibular edentulism.

Objectives: To analyze the morphogeometric coordinates of the anterior region of the mandible according to the severity of the bone resorption proposed by Wright et al. (2019), obtained based on anatomical landmarks using MorphoJ software.
Methods: This methodological proposal is to introduce an innovation in the two-dimensional classical morphological classification (Atwood, 1963; Cawood & Howell, 1988) of the mandibular anterior region of edentulous individuals, according to severity of bone resorption, using digital analysis tools. From DICOM files (Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine) obtained from CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) of 12 edentulous adult patients, images of interforaminal cross-sections were captured using 3DSlicer visualization software, which will be classified by PCA (Principal Component Analysis) of cross-sectional morphology (Wright, 2019) based on anatomical references of the anterior region of the mandible.
For the classification of the cross-sectional morphology of clinical cases; a work team made up of 2 evaluators participated: 1 Undergraduate Unit Teacher and 1 Medical Technologist (CIDIC member). The team had remote access to the DICOM files of the patients, with the possibility of separately classifying each clinical case, to analyze and validate the morphological variants with the highest prevalence according to Wright, 2019 (pear, ovoid, triangular, sickle, hourglass) and an expert consensus will be reached.
Results: A novel morphological classification method is generated according to the degree of bone resorption, from the morphogeometric analysis of the mandibular anterior region.
Conclusions: This analytical proposal will be a contribution in the resolution of cases with an atrophic mandible and its resulting morphogeometric classification, will have a potential application in rehabilitation, implantology and teledentistry.

2020 Chilean Division Meeting (Virtual)


Implantology Research
  • Abarza, Liliann  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Araucania , Chile )
  • Acuña, Pablo  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • Beltrán, Víctor  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Oral Session 3: Hatton Award Competition