IADR Abstract Archives

Relationship Between Periapical Lesions In Antral Teeth And Sinus Mucosal Thickening

Objectives: To know the relationship between periapical lesions in antral teeth and maxillary sinuses basal mucosal thickening , through CBCT analysis of patients who went between 2014-2017 to the Imaging Service of the Dental Clinic at Universidad Finis Terrae.
Methods: A descriptive, correlational, cross-sectional observational study was performed, examining CBCT of maxillary sinuses that presented mucosal thickening greater than 2mm. Sociodemographic characteristics and pathological findings were recorded in the maxillary sinuses and adjacent teeth. The data were analyzed using the statistical program SPSS 21. To evaluate the association of the presence of apical lesions, type of anatomical relationship of the affected apex and the degree of maxillary sinus mucosal thickening, chi-square hypothesis tests were used with a level of significance of 0.05.
Results: A sample of 84 maxillary sinuses with mucosal thickening was analyzed, from patients 9 to 90 years old, where 54% were female. The frequency of detection of apical lesions in relation to mucosal thickening was 39.3%; where the first superior molar and its mesiovestibular root was the most frequent location. No significant association was observed between the degree of mucosal thickening and presence of periapical lesion or type of anatomical proximity.
Conclusions: The presence of periapical lesions in relation to sinus mucosal thickening is a frequent finding. The CBCT is an appropriate method to assess the etiology and relationship between odontogenic pathologies and sinus involvement.

2020 Chilean Division Meeting (Virtual)


Oral Medicine & Pathology Research
  • Pilar Godoy, Jaime  ( Universidad Finis Terrae , Santiago , Region Metropolitana , Chile )
  • Díaz Campos, Nicol  ( Universidad Finis Terrae , Santiago , Region Metropolitana , Chile )
  • None
    Poster Session
    Poster Session A