IADR Abstract Archives

Untreated caries: an indicator of active damage by caries

Objectives: To estimate the active damage by caries in children from 1 to 6 years old in the Metropolitan Region of Chile.
Methods: Cross-sectional study in 2,275 children from 1 to 6 years old in the Metropolitan Region. This is a secondary analysis with the data of the FONIS project SA13I20130.
Untreated caries (UC) indicator was developed adding the component d (decayed) and m (missing) of the dmft index and the component D of the DMFT index to determine the active damage by caries.
A descriptive univariate analysis of the UC indicator was applied stratifying by age, using measurements of central tendency and position. The prevalence of UC was described by percentages.
Results: The global mean of UC was 1.44 (SD 2.68) and the prevalence for all ages combined was 36.05%. Per age, a tendency to increase was observed. The UC average starts at 0.08 (SD 0.44) decayed teeth (d) in children of 1 year old and 1.82 (SD 3.03) teeth, at 6 years old. At the age of 3 years old, was observed the largest increase in UC indicator (mean 1.46 and SD 2.64).
The prevalence of UC, showed the greatest proportion in children of 4 (42.11%) and 6 years old (42.17%).
Conclusions: The UC indicator, allows to estimate the active damage by caries at the time of evaluation, without considering the filled teeth that suffered the pathology but not cause disability in children.
The incorporation of this indicator, will allow the understanding of this pathology from the perspective of active damage, the same as chronic diseases are evaluated in general and in accordance with international suggestions for the measurement of burden disease related to caries.
Chilean Division Meeting
2018 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile
  • Aubert, Josefina  ( Universidad Finis Terrae , Santiago , Metropolitana , Chile )
  • Monsalves, María José  ( Universidad San Sebastián , Santiago , Chile )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Friday, 09/07/2018 , 04:30PM - 05:30PM