IADR Abstract Archives

A novel experimental tridimensional model for simulation of deglutition biomechanics

Objectives: Analyze through a finite element model the biomechanical behavior of the biofunctional model of the deglutition (BMD), considering the participation of functional units, valves and compartments, through the reconstruction of a tridimensional model using computational tomographies from historic patients data.
Methods: Reconstruct, clean and conditioning of computational CBTC tomographies, using a combination of three different software (Invesalius 3, Meshmixer and Meshlab), with the purpose of generate digital functional units, for a posterior assemble, according to BMD (Göttingen philosophy), of the reconstructed units and their exportation to a CAE software (ANSYS Inc.), for the semi-dynamic simulation of the Linguo-Palatal and Linguo-Velar valves in the condition of compartments closed with negative pressure.
Results: The Linguo-Palatal valve presents a maximum stress of 5,46 MPa, a minimum stress of -4,75 MPa, a combined stress of 5,9 MPa and displacements of 1,1 e-003 mm.
The Linguo-Velar valve presents a maximum stress of 1,85 MPa, a minimum stress of -0,21 MPa, a combined stress of 1,8 MPa and displacements of 23 mm.
Conclusions: The reconstruction of the model allowed to obtain the first results that allow to describe, in a first instance, the behavior of the functional valves of the BMD. However, in the future is going to be necessary to optimize the mechanical properties of the model and add a greater number of functional units. This experimental model allows a tridimensional biomechanical simulation of the BMD through finite elements.
Chilean Division Meeting
2018 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile
  • Fernández Gil, Francisco  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile ;  Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • Beltrán, Víctor  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile ;  Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • Leal, Eduardo  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile ;  Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • Guzman, Mario  ( Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile ;  Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • Engelke, Wilfried  ( Georg-August-Universität, Göttingen , Göttingen , Germany ;  Universidad de La Frontera , Temuco , Chile )
  • NONE
    MEC Folio PAI80160012 CONICYT Chile
    Poster Session
    Viernes 7 (pm)
    Friday, 09/07/2018 , 03:30PM - 04:30PM