IADR Abstract Archives

Children with or without lip competence. How is EMG pattern?

Objectives: To compare the electromyographic (EMG) activity of superior orbicularis oris (SOO), inferior orbicularis oris (IOO) and anterior temporal (AT) muscles between children with and without lip competence during different tasks.
Methods: Were included two groups of healthy children (range age=7-12 years) of both genders and mixed dentition, one with lip competence (n=21) and other without lip competence (n=45), classified according to a clinical criteria. Were excluded children suffering environmental allergies, with previous orthopedic or orthodontic treatment, and on medication that could affect muscular activity. Surface electrodes were placed on the left SOO, IOO and AT muscles. A ground electrode was attached to the forehead. EMG activity was amplified, rectified and integrated and then recorded online in a computer exclusively for the acquisition and processing of EMG signals. EMG activity was recorded in seated upright body position with the back supported and the head unsupported; looking straight ahead and his/her head in the postural position, during the following tasks: 1) normal quiet breathing; 2) speaking the word “Mississippi”; 3) swallowing of saliva and 4) puffing out of the cheeks. The data were submitted to appropriate statistical analysis (α = 0.05).
Results: Children without competent lips show a lower activity in SOO and IOO muscles in task 1, and a higher activity in SOO, IOO and AT muscles in task 4, and in AT muscle during task 3.
Conclusions: In children without lip competence, the lower EMG activity at rest in SOO and IOO muscles suggest a less labial basal tonic activity because the lips are apart, and to achieve a correct lips closure in a forced activity like puffing out of the cheeks is necessary a higher labial EMG activity. The higher AT activity at rest, during swallowing of saliva and puffing out of the cheeks suggest a mandibular stabilizing function.
Chilean Division Meeting
2017 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile
Pediatric Oral Health Research
  • Gamboa, Natalia  ( University of Chile , Santiago , Región Metropolitana , Chile )
  • Bayas, Isidora  ( Universidad de Chile , Santiago , Region metropolitana , Chile )
  • Guerrero, Nicole  ( Universidad de Chile , Santiago , Region metropolitana , Chile )
  • Pimentel, Gisela  ( Universidad de Chile , Santiago , Region metropolitana , Chile )
  • Lipari, María  ( Universidad de Chile , Santiago , Region metropolitana , Chile )
  • Miralles, Rodolfo  ( University of Chile , Santiago , Región Metropolitana , Chile )
  • Fuentes, Aler Daniel  ( University of Chile , Santiago , Región Metropolitana , Chile )
  • NONE
    Poster Session