IADR Abstract Archives

User Satisfaction Through Appropriate Treatment In A Family Health Center

Objectives: To describe the degree of user satisfaction through appropriate treatment in a Family Health Center (FHC) in the City of Santiago de Chile.
Methods: A quantitative descriptive study was carried out using closed questionnaires to 167 users of the Family Health Center. The analysis of the information was carried out through bivariate descriptive statistical analysis, using descriptive and graphical indexes, the incidence of the main variables in the perception of the appropriate treatment by the users. It was used as a dependent variable the appropriate treatment and as independent variables the confidentiality, autonomy, dignified treat, prompt attention, communication, appropriate basic conditions. The tool that was used for the analysis of the data was the computer program SPSS.
Results: It was found that the degree of compliance of the six domains that make up the appropriate treatment and that were studied in FHC Dr. Juan Petrinovic reaches an average of 80.56%. The domains that obtained the highest degree of user satisfaction were confidentiality with 97.4% and dignified treat with 90%. On the other hand, the worst evaluated domains by users were the appropriate basic conditions with 68% and autonomy with 69%.

Conclusions: This study allows us to identify the weaknesses and strengths of FHC in the application of the appropriate treatment, this would help to generate strategies for future intervention for the benefit of the users, through the creation of periodic training sessions for health workers to implement the appropriate treatment. It is recommended to be able to simultaneously integrate a non-biomedical aspect of the care that would be relevant to increase the level of satisfaction of the users such as communication, autonomy, prompt attention and dignified treat, which do not require economic resources if not changes of attitudes by health workers towards and with users.
Chilean Division Meeting
2017 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile

Behavioral, Epidemiologic, and Health Services Research
  • Opazo, Felipe  ( Universidad Autónoma de Chile , Santiago , Santiago , Chile )
  • Mendez, Claudio  ( Universidad Autónoma de Chile , Santiago , Santiago , Chile )
  • Rodriguez, Nicole  ( Universidad Autónoma de Chile , Santiago , Santiago , Chile )
  • NONE
    Oral Session