IADR Abstract Archives


Objectives: Compare the values of adhesive strength by microtracting of a universal adhesive using two brands of composite resins Bulk Fill (RC).

Methods: Three RC blocks were fabricated according to the study groups: Control, Filtek z250 (S-z250), Filtek Bulk Fill (S-Filtek) and Tetric N Ceram Bulk Fill (S-Tetric) on a standard silicone key. The polymerization process was performed high intensity Led lamp of 1100Mw/cm2 (Bluephase, Ivoclar Vivadent) for 40 seconds. Subsequent to the preparation of the first blocks, the Single Bond Universal Adhesive (3M-Espe, USA) was applied in a layer with microapplicator, after which a second block with the same RC groups was applied. All blocks were made in the same session. After 48 hours each block was trimmed using the universal trimming machine (Isomet 1000, Buehler, USA) under constant cooling, checking the thickness with a Caliper. 30 bars of 1x1x10 mm were obtained for each group of the 30 samples (n= total 90) by a cutting machine. All the samples were microtracted with an Instron equipment (Instron, Norwood, MA, USA). The data expressed in Newton were analyzed by the Shapiro Wilk, Kruskal Wallis and Mann-Whitney test with a confiability level of 95%.
Results: The median and standard deviation (±) measured in newton was for S-Z250 57.05 (±13.81), S-Filtek 34.20 (±8.79), S-Tetric 42.15 (±10,31), there was only significant difference between the S-Z250 / S-Filtek groups (p<0.05).

Conclusions: There was no significant difference in microtraction resistance between of RC Bulk Fill of different brands with a universal adhesive. The comparison between the S-Z250 / S-Filtek groups presented a significant difference with a higher value of microtraction of the S-Z250 control group.
Chilean Division Meeting
2017 Chilean Division Meeting (Santiago, Chile)
Santiago, Chile
Dental Materials 4: Adhesion
  • Coronado, Pia  ( Universidad Andrés Bello , Pedro Aguirre Cerda , Chile )
  • Conejeros Arriagada, Camila  ( Universidad Andrés Bello , Pedro Aguirre Cerda , Chile )
  • Rodriguez, Sara  ( Universidad Andrés Bello , Pedro Aguirre Cerda , Chile )
  • Bahamondes, Valeria  ( Universidad Andrés Bello , Pedro Aguirre Cerda , Chile )
  • Vildosola, Patricio  ( Universidad Andres Bello , Santiago , Region Metropolitana , Chile )
  • NONE
    Poster Session