IADR Abstract Archives

Early Healing Around a Tissue Level Zirconia Implant – a Histological Investigation in the Miniature Pig Mandible

Abstract Body: Background: Preclinical research has shown that surface modifications of zirconia, titanium and titanium alloys accelerate osseointegration of dental implants, substantially reducing healing times. However, biological response is not only dependent on the implant material and surface texture per se. Macro geometry , material, surface texture, and prosthetic protocols of the implant system are all contributing to the overall response to the foreign body, especially the soft tissue response.
Purpose: To examine early soft tissue integration and osseointegration of transmucosal two-piece, tissue-level, screw-shaped zirconia dental implants with a rough endosseous surface and a machined transmucosal part.
Materials & Methods: Following extraction and healing, YTZP implants (Patent™ Standard Zirconia Implant) were inserted in the mandible of miniature pigs. Titanium (Ti) tissue-level implants (Straumann® SLActive® Standard RN Roxolid®) served as controls. Histological analyses were performed after 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, and 21 days of transmucosal healing.
Results: For soft tissue integration, no differences could be observed between YTZP and Ti. The junctional epithelium was initially growing apically along the blood clot, then on the surface of the granulation tissue, and finally made contact with the implant surface. After 14 days, epithelial contact with both implant surfaces was observed. The blood coagulum was replaced by granulation tissue and the latter by a connective tissue. Newly formed bone reached the surface of both YTZP and Ti implants at day 7. The density of new bone in close proximity to the implant surface and the percentage of bone-to-implant contact (BIC) increased steadily until day 21 with a tendency for more bone along the YTZP implants.
Conclusions: Both implant types demonstrated rapid soft tissue integration and osseointegration. YTZP implants tended to show faster peri-implant bone formation than
Ti implants.

2023 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meetings (Rhodes, Greece)
Rhodes, Greece
  • Bosshardt, Dieter  ( University of Bern , Bern , Switzerland )
  • Keynote Lecture
    Keynote PATENT Early Healing around a Tissue Level Zirconia Implant – a Histological Investigation in the Miniature Pig mandible
    Thursday, 09/21/2023 , 10:30AM - 11:30AM