Simplifying the Restorative Dentistry With Bio Bulk-Fill Approach
Abstract Body: Restorative dentistry has traditionally focused on the use of dental materials to replace the infected tooth structure in the oral environment to restore the physical function following the tissue loss from disease processes. Resin-based composites have become the gold standard in restorative dentistry for their fundamental role in guaranteeing excellent aesthetics and function. Moreover, recent applications of nanotechnology have also been used to increase the bonding performance of several enamel-dentin adhesive systems. Current adhesive systems allow clinicians to restore tooth structure minimizing cavity preparation, by simply providing an immediate bond of different restorative materials. However, the hybrid layer, or rather the bonded interface between dentin and resin, can result unstable and fail over time, thus leading to marginal leakage and poor retention of the restoration. In this lecture novel bioactive materials such as the calcium silicate-based materials, commonly named bioceramics, will be described. Indeed, due to their biocompatibility, bioactivity, and biomineralization properties, they have been successfully applied in different clinical procedures, ensuring a reliable bond with the dentin substrate. Indeed, in addition to several clinical procedures including direct and indirect pulp capping, pulpotomy and perforation repair, the new bioceramics can be placed as a dentin replacement, filling the cavity in a single step with satisfactory cavity adaptation. In this way, the procedure is simplified, and the chair time required to complete the restoration is reduced, as they have excellent adhesive properties with resin-based composites. Finally, during the presentation the basic concepts of the use of the “biobulk-fill” approach with the new bioceramics to perform the restoration will be carried out, with the support of documentation of several clinical cases.
2023 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meetings (Rhodes, Greece) Rhodes, Greece
2023 0134
Tosco, Vincenzo
( Polytechnic University of Marche
, Torrette di Ancona
, Italy