IADR Abstract Archives

Socio-Economic Factors and Tooth Loss in Young Adults With Periodontitis

Objectives: To investigate the relationship between education/income and tooth loss over 10 years in young adults with periodontitis
Methods: This register-based study was conducted retrospectively on 471 patients aged <36 years who had been diagnosed and treated for periodontitis at two specialist clinics in periodontology in Stockholm Sweden between 2003 and 2009. A majority had periodontitis Stage 3 and Grade C at baseline. The variables were collected from the baseline clinical examination and from two national healthregisters; the Swedish dental health register at the National Board of Health and Welfare and the LISA register at SCB Statistics Sweden. The tooth loss between the years 2009-2019 was registered. Statistical analyses were performed with negative binomial regression. Confounding variables to the relationship between tooth loss and education/income were included in the analysis.
Results: The mean number of lost teeth due to periodontal reasons during the follow-up period was 1.4 (range 0-26). The tooth loss was significantly (p=0.004) lower for individuals with a post-secondary education >3 years while income had no influence on tooth loss. The confounders smoking, interruption of specialist treatment and age were significantly correlated to tooth loss.
Conclusions: Tooth loss for young adults with periodontitis, was significantly lower among the group with a post-secondary education >3 years, when adjusted for confounding variables.

2023 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meetings (Rhodes, Greece)
Rhodes, Greece
Periodontal Research-Diagnosis/Epidemiology
  • Modin, Carolina  ( Folktandvården Eastmaninstitutet , Stockholm , Sweden ;  Karolinska Institutet , Huddinge , Sweden )
  • Jansson, Leif  ( Folktandvården Eastmaninstitutet , Stockholm , Sweden ;  Karolinska Institutet , Huddinge , Sweden )
  • Gustafsson, Anders  ( Karolinska Institutet , Huddinge , Sweden )
  • Lindberg, Tülay  ( Karolinska Institutet , Huddinge , Sweden )
  • NONE
    Oral Session
    Oral session 13 - Behavioural, Epidemiolology and Health Services Research
    Thursday, 09/21/2023 , 04:00PM - 06:00PM
    Table 1 Characteristics of the study population. N=471
    Age (years, mean (SD))27.7 (6.5)
    Females (N (%))266 (56.5)
    Smoking habits (N (%)):
    Former smoker
    305 (65.7)
    128 (27.6)
    31 (6.7)
    Systemic disease (N (%))38 (8.9)
    Education (N (%)):
    Elementary school <9 years
    Gymnasium 2-3 years
    Post-secondary education <3 years
    Post-secondary education >3 years
    75 (16.0)
    214 (45.7)
    75 (16.0)
    104 (22.2)
    Annual income (swedish crowns (N (%)):
    >240.000 and <430.000
    146 (31.1)
    172 (36.6)
    152 (32.3)
    Periodontal classification (N (%)):
    Periodontitis stage I
    Periodontitis stage II
    Periodontitis stage III
    Periodontitis stage IV
    14 (3.0)
    59 (15.6)
    366 (78.2)
    29 (6.2)
    Periodontitis grade (N (%)):
    2 (0.4)
    86 (18.4)
    380 (81.2)
    Extent of periodontitis (N (%)):
    Molar/incisor pattern
    223 (47.6)
    148 (31.6)
    97 (20.7)
    Interruption of specialist treatment246 (52.2)
    Supportive care during follow-up period (N (%)):
    Less than every two years
    Every two years
    At least every year
    56 (11.9)
    182 (38.6)
    163 (34.6)
    70 (14.9)

    TABLE 2 Negative binomial regression analysis: tooth loss due to periodontal reasons in relation to education and income after inclusion of confounding variables. N=471.
    VariableIncidence risk ratio95% Confidence intervalp
    Education (N (%)):
    Elementary school <9 years
    Gymnasium 2-3 years
    Post-secondary education <3 years
    Post-secondary education >3 years
    1.30 – 3.28
    1.37 – 2.99
    1.25 – 3.16
    Annual income (swedish crowns (N (%)):
    >240.000 and <430.000
    0.87 – 1.74
    0.77 – 1.52
    Smoking2.231.69 – 2.92<0.001
    Interruption of specialist treatment2.231.70 - 2.94<0.001
    Age (one year)1.061.03 – 1.08<0.001