Administration of Systemic Antibiotics for Dental Treatment in Kosovo Major Dental Clinics - National Survey
Objectives: Objectives: The appropriate prescription of antibiotics has become a challenge in most health care systems, because of misuse and a high level of antibiotics resistance. Kosovo in last decade is facing challenges regarding antimicrobial resistance, because majority resistance of bacteria and corresponding antibiotics groups compared with the means in EU countries is two to five times higher. The purpose of the present study is to investigate patterns of antibiotics prescription of dentists in Kosovo major dental clinics. Methods: Materials and methods: Data collection based on Point-Prevalence Survey (PPS) study, was made in 10 regional Dental Clinics and in Tertiary Health Center, during years 2015 -2019. Quantitative data analysis was made using descriptive statistics and were processed using MS Excel. Results: Results: Most prescribed antibiotic during observed time period from 2015 to 2019 in Kosovo, was Amoxicillin, although a drastic increase of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid, as broad spectrum antibiotic, is observed. The trend of antibiotics’ use in tertiary health institutions is in overall decrease in Kosovo with an exception in year 2017. Despite this overall decrease, inconsistency in prescribing is observed when pattern is analyzed for each region separately. The highest number of patients in health care dental clinics received antibiotics for maxilla-related health conditions and the lowest number of them for oncologic ones. Conclusions: Conclusions: The patterns of antibiotics’ prescriptions by dental practitioners in Kosovo during years 2015-2019 oscillate, based on obtained results. Even that there are improving trends, compared to the global health care standards, the irrational use of antibiotics in dental health care clinics in Kosovo still is present and this issue should be further addressed by health care professionals.
2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid) Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
2021 0309.1 Pharmacology/Therapeutics/Toxicology
Mustafa, Lirim
( Univeristy of Zagreb- Dental Faculty
, Zagreb
, Croatia
; Iliria College
, Prishtina
, Albania
Sutej, Ivana
( Univeristy of Zagreb- Dental Faculty
, Zagreb
, Croatia
Islami, Hilmi
( University of Prishtina-Medical Faculty
, Prishtina
, Albania
Fejza, Hajrullah
( UBT College
, Prishtina
, Albania