IADR Abstract Archives

Oral Mucosa Wound Healing: a Comparative Clinical Study

Objectives: During wound healing, oral mucosa shows minimal scar formation compared to skin tissues. However, the healing process of the overall oral mucosa has only been visually evaluated. The objectives of this clinical comparative study were to quantitatively analyze oral mucosa healing and compare cicatrization between keratinized gingiva and non-keratinized mucosa.
Methods: Fourteen (14) patients received 26 interdental incisions as part of an orthodontic treatment combined with piezocision. Incisions were made in both keratinized gingiva and non-keratinized mucosa. Wounds were evaluated at five time points [RD1] (D0, D7, D21, D60, D150[RD2] ) using scar length and surface evaluation and via the Mucosal Scarring Index (MSI). Follow-up photographs were assessed quantitatively using a computer software (ImageJ®).
Results: Significant reduction in scar length until D21 (p<10-3) and scar surface area until D60 (p<10-3) occurred in both keratinized gingiva and non-keratinized mucosa. These two variables showed no significant differences, so D21 and D60 represented healing endpoints. Visual evaluations of the wounds showed significant improvements of MSI scores at D21 (p<10-3). No visual score improvements were noticed at later assessments. At D150[RD1] , mandibular non-keratinized mucosa wounds tended to heal with minimal scar formation (66%, p<0.05), resulting in an MSI score of 2.64 (SD ±2.81). In the keratinized gingiva, the maxillary posterior region healed with no visible scars ([0-3] = 57%, p<10-3) ; while the anterior region healed with more scars ([3,5-10] = 61%, p<10-3).
Conclusions: Scar assessments suggest that overall, oral mucosa heals with minimal scar formation (may below 3[RD1] ). Upon further analysis, MSI scores showed that non-keratinized mucosa tends to scar more than keratinized gingiva.

2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid)
Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
Craniofacial Biology Research
  • Nguyen, Ngoc Estelle  ( Université de Paris , Paris , France )
  • Durand, Robert  ( Université de Montreal , Montreal , Quebec , Canada )
  • Nishio, Clarice  ( Université de Montreal , Montreal , Quebec , Canada )
  • Strippoli, Julien  ( Private Practice , Tassin-De-La-Demi-Lune , France )
  • Kerner, Stéphane  ( Université de Paris , Paris , France )
  • Fournier, Benjamin  ( Université de Paris , Paris , France )
  • NONE
    Poster Session ALL VIRTUAL
    Oral & maxillofacial surgery