Reimplantation of a Molar With Complex Root Canal Anatomy
Objectives: To present the management of a molar with complex root canal anatomy and a previous failed root canal treatment by an intentional reimplantation technique. Methods: A 48-year-old female patient with no relevant medical history complained of pain on percussion and palpation in the tooth 1.7. The mobility and probing were physiological. Radiographically a previous endodontic treatment was detected with an apical radiolucency. Pulpal and periapical diagnosis were previously treated tooth with symptomatic apical periodontitis, respectively.
A preoperative CBCT (Carestream, Kodak) was taken to provide a three-dimensional confirmation of the compatibility of the root anatomy with atraumatic extraction. After local anesthesia, a scalpel blade was used to incise the gingival fibrous attachment, with rotation movements and forceps the tooth was extracted and placed on a sterile gauze soaked in sterile saline solution. Visual inspection of the root surface under microscope (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany) was performed and 2-3 mm of the root apex were removed to eliminate possible apical ramification. A root-end preparation was performed with an ultrasonic tip (Endosuccess, Acteon, France) using regularly irrigation with sterile saline solution. The retro-preparation was sealed with TheraCalTM LC (Bisco, Schaumburg, USA). The total extraoral time of the procedure was less than 15 minutes. Flexible splinting (0.4 mm steel wire and resin composite) was done. Results: The patient was reviewed 2 weeks, 3 and 6 months after the reimplantation. In the 2-week follow-up the splint was removed, and the tooth was asymptomatic and responded normally to percussion. In the 3 and 6-month recalls, periapical bond healing was radiographically confirmed, as well as the absence of other signs or symptoms. Conclusions: Permanent teeth with a complex root canal anatomy and a previously failed root canal treatment can be successfully treated with an intentional replantation technique restoring the periradicular health.
2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid) Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
2021 0183 Clinical Case Reports
Fernandez Esteban, Patricia
( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
, Madrid
, Spain
Bailleul Bermejo, Laura
( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
, Madrid
, Spain
Terceño Jiménez, Patricia
( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
, Madrid
, Spain
Ceballos García, Laura
( Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
, Madrid
, Spain
Poster Session ALL VIRTUAL
Clinical Case Reports (all scientific fields)