Objectives: Juvenifle tongue fibroma (JTF) is a benign tumor which arises in the youth and it is characterised by a hard/dense rosy mass on the tongue surface. JTF occurs when a fibroblasts proliferation is embedded in a collagenous matrix in the exterior tongue area. We report the case of a female 19 years old patient who is now still in follow-up. Methods: An healthy 19 years old female patient came to our attention telling us about a thick mass on the left tongue dorsum appared two years earlier and now increasing size. The eight-step WHO oral examination was perforemed and an eco color Doppler was requested in oder to planning the escissional biopsy. Results: The intraoral examination showed a consistent painless pinkish mass in the left dorsal surface of the anterior third of the tongue with an enhancing of the papillae and a dimension of 1.4 x 0.8 cm. The eco color Doppler exam reveals an absence of a significant vascular component, leading the team to exclude the angio-fibroma hypotesis. The escissional biopsy was perfomed by cold blade revealing the lesion reacheed the underlying muscolar level without invading it. The sample was included in specific formalin box and given to the patient in order to perform the hystological analysis at the hospital. The site was sutured with absorbable wire and the patient is now included in a follow-up program waiting for the hystopatological result and with the aim to control tissue healing. Conclusions: Oral pathology has to become a costant part of dentists activities. JTF may alter self-perception in young patients, and its surgical management should always be performed both to clarify the lesion's origin and to restore proper structures anatomy.
2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid) Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
2021 0170 Clinical Case Reports
D'agostino, Silvia
( University G d'Annunzio
, Chieti
, Italy
Bissoli, Alessandra
( University G d'Annunzio
, Chieti
, Italy
Caporaso, Lucia
( University G d'Annunzio
, Chieti
, Italy
Iarussi, Francesca
( University G d'Annunzio
, Chieti
, Italy
Pulcini, Riccardo
( University G d'Annunzio
, Chieti
, Italy
Dolci, Marco
( University G d'Annunzio
, Chieti
, Italy
Poster Session ALL VIRTUAL
Clinical Case Reports (all scientific fields)