Segmentation of Dental Restorations on Panoramic Radiographs Using Deep Learning
Objectives: Deep Convolutional Neural Networks such as U-Net have been widely used for medical image segmentation. Dental restorations are prominent features of dental radiographs. Applying U-Net on the full panoramic image is challenging, as the shape, size and frequency of different restoration types vary significantly. It was hypothesized that models trained on smaller equally spaced rectangular image crops (tiles) of the full panoramic would outperform models trained on the full panoramic scan. Methods: The dataset consisted of 1781 panoramic radiographs. Fillings, crowns, root canal treatments, and implants were segmented pixelwise by dental experts. The radiographs were cropped into different number of tiles for training. We used U-Net architecture pretrained on ImageNet. The data set was randomly split into a training (70%), validation (20%), and test set (10%), for fine-tuning, model selection and evaluation, respectively. The Dice loss function with adaptive learning rate, early stopping and data augmentation was used for model training. Results: Training with an increased number of tiles improved the model performance and reduced the time of model convergence. The F1-score for the full panoramic image was 0.68, compared to 0.80, 0.90 and 0.94 for 6, 10 and 20 tiles, respectively. For root canals treatments, which are small, cone-shaped features that appear less frequent on the radiographs, the performance improvement was considerable. Conclusions: Semantic segmentation models trained on panoramic radiographs are biased towards the more frequent and extended classes, hence, reducing the accuracy of the classifier. Training on tiles of panoramic radiographs and pooling the individual results thereafter, improved classification performance and reduced time to model convergence for segmenting dental restorations.
2021 Continental European and Scandinavian Divisions Meeting (Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid) Brussels, Belgium, Hybrid
2021 0246 e-Oral Health Network
Rohrer, Csaba
( Charité–Universitätsmedizin
, Berlin
, Berlin
, Germany
Krois, Joachim
( Charité–Universitätsmedizin
, Berlin
, Berlin
, Germany
; ITU/WHO Focus Group on AI for Health, Topic Group Dental Diagnostics and Digital Dentistry
, Geneva
, Switzerland
Rodrigues, Jonas
( Charité–Universitätsmedizin
, Berlin
, Berlin
, Germany
; UFRGS, School of Dentistry
, Porto Alegre
, Brazil
Schwendicke, Falk
( Charité–Universitätsmedizin
, Berlin
, Berlin
, Germany
; ITU/WHO Focus Group on AI for Health, Topic Group Dental Diagnostics and Digital Dentistry
, Geneva
, Switzerland
The authors JK and FS are co-founders of a startup on dental image analysis using AI, the dentalXrai GmbH. The conception and writing of this abstract were independent from this.